I honestly don’t get the nasty buzz over Somali runner Nasra Abukar’s performance at the Olympics. I say, you go girl! The press coverage of her performance has been cruel—led largely by the brutal British press—becasue she was the slowest runner in the 100m sprint. She was panned and ridiculed for being “slow,” “last” and “untrained.”

Here’s a few of my questions and observations to consider:

  1. Someone comes in last in every single olympic event… so why is this performance newsworthy or different?

  2. Somalia has been embroiled in a civil war for the past 30-ish years. Maybe the country is too busy to pour millions of dollars in resources into training athletes when it’s more concerned with feeding its people and keeping them safe from murder and rape?

  3. She ran 100m in 21.81 seconds. I run every single morning, I’m in decent shape, and I run 100m in about 35 seconds.

  4. Most adults I know either can’t run at all, or would be about ready to fall over dead after running 100m.

  5. I’d challenge any member of the British press to run 100m in less than 20 seconds.

  6. All this coverage reminds of high school gym class. Let’s find the slowest/weakest/most different person and ridicule them for trying.

  7. Maybe she’s slow compared to other athletes at the olympics, but isn’t that what the olympics is all about… each country’s best. Maybe she is the fastest person in Somalia?

  8. I’d challenge any adult reading this to run 100m in less than 21 seconds. If you can do it and prove it, I’ll buy you a donut.

  9. We’re better than this… and the shitty news coverage of Ms. Abukar shows us exactly what is wrong with our press, our world, and our society.

  10. Be better.

velocykel @velocykel