Replying to: PriorityNumber4

@PriorityNumber4 Well said. The lifecycle of social media is growing longer. I've been around long enough to remember a time before any computer anything... and been around long enough to have learned to code in BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, FORTRAN, Applesoft, C++, Java, AppleScript, Ruby, CSS, Swift, before I gave all that up. I've been around long enough to have been enthusiastic about Friendster, Napster, MySpace, Blogster, AOL/AIM, Google+, Buzz, StumbleUpon, Tribe, Yahoo (anything) -- only to have them evaporate after a headline-making takeover by some other company (that drove them into the ground), I've taught Flash, Actionscript, CAD, Dreamweaver, 3D Studio Max, and legions of other software packages that have helped to launch careers and then watched as they fizzled in kind. None of it, not any of it, was worth it. It was an all a huge sinkhole of time that I wish I would have spent riding my bike or looking at rocks. You won't miss social media, but you will miss the time you waste on it. And though the lifecycle may be longer, Facebook, X, and all the rest will be dead before long too. It's the way the digital universe works.

velocykel @velocykel